Dignity at Work support tools

Dignity at Work Toolkits

Demonstrate the traits which will help GC become a more inclusive and diverse workplace….

Below are toolkits which we'll launch over the summer months in the build up to National Inclusion Week 2024 in September.

Each kit focuses on a specific skill or trait which, when put into practice in the workplace, can help embed and promote Dignity at Work in our workplace.

We've produced two versions of the toolkits:

  • a Colleague version which showcases top tips to help you practice and demonstrate a specific skill.
  • a People Manager version, which provides a little more detail on what you can do to help embed and practice the trait in your team - and also includes some signposts to learning and development opportunities.


Toolkit 6: Fairness & Equity

Embracing equity requires us to recognise and accommodate diverse needs and circumstances, ensuring that everyone has a genuine opportunity to thrive by eliminating any potential barriers.

Take a look at our tips for creating a workplace which is fair and equitable.



Toolkit 5: Empowering people

Empowering your team in a positive way means giving them the authority, autonomy, and resources to make decisions, solve problems, and take ownership of their work life. It can boost their commitment, motivation, creativity, and productivity. 

Take a look at our hints and tips on how to empower people.



Toolkit 4: Meaningful Constructive Challenge

It’s healthy to challenge and it’s part of a robust work culture which encourages creativity. In a large and complex organisation like GC, we must be prepared that, sometimes we’ll encounter differences of opinion. We’ll all hear things that we don’t want to hear, or don’t agree with.

Take a look at our tips for creating a workplace where we can all have meaningful constructive challenge.






Toolkit 3: Safe Spaces

The definition of a safe space can mean different things to different people. For many, feeling unsafe results from ‘triggers’ brought on by a specific situation, expectation, or conversation.

Take a look at our checklist of things to consider to ensure safe spaces.





Toolkit 2: Mutual Trust & Respect

Mutual Trust and respect is the superglue that binds teammates and leaders together. So when either are broken, people tend to withdraw and isolate themselves.

Take a look a 8 things which you can do to demonstrate mutual trust and respect.


Toolkit 1: Active Listening

Most of us assume we're good listeners, but poor listening habits can result in misunderstandings, errors, missed opportunities, arguments and damaged relationships at work.

Take a look a 8 things which you can do to demonstrate active listening.






Dignity at Work Challenge

One story... three episodes, three characters, three perspectives - are you ready to stop a potential dignity at work incident from happening?

Click here, or on the banner below to find out how you can run this exercise in your team huddle to upskill together and raise awareness of what dignity at work means by taking a closer look at a real life scenario.





Religions Festivals and Celebrations - Colleague Guides

Lent & Shrove Tuesday Colleague Resource Guide

Ramadan & Eid Ul Fitr Colleague Resource Guide