Wellbeing Wednesday - library of our monthly newsletters

At GC, we understand the importance of continuing to raise awareness of different health conditions and disabilities to help create a culture where people feel more comfortable talking openly about their own health (both physical and mental) and wellbeing in the workplace.

Each month we focus on a specific theme and provide guidance and access to GC's support and resources, often with insight from our colleagues and our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Networks.

If you would like to share feedback, suggest any topics to cover in the future or get involved in any of our 8 EDI Networks, then please get in contact with the EDI inbox or the Health and Wellbeing EDI Network.


2024 Editions

May 2024: Let's Move More for our Mental Fitness
April 2024: Neurodiversity with a focus on ADHD
March 2024: Women's Health
February 2024: Nutrition
January 2024: Listen, Change Lives #TimeToTalkDay


2023 Editions

December 2023: Saving Money and Managing Your Own Wellbeing
November 2023: Men’s Mental Fitness
October 2023: Mental Health and the Mental Health at Work Commitment
September 2023: #IChooseKindness
August 2023: Cancer Support and Information
July 2023: Staying Active This Summer
June 2023: Addiction
May 2023: Anxiety / Mental Health Awareness Week 2023
April 2023: National Autism Awareness Month
March 2023: Health & Wellbeing Support at GC, including EAP and training
February 2023: Women's Health Conditions - Endometriosis and PCOS
January 2023: #TimetoTalk Day


2022 Editions

December 2022: Disability Inclusion and new training on PAL
November 2022: Men's Mental Health
October 2022: Migraines and Work/Life Balance
September 2022: Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
August 2022: Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)
July 2022: Self care
June 2022: Suicide awareness and how we can all play an important role in reducing the stigma
May 2022: Loneliness and our mental health
April 2022: Let's Say Active