Mental Health at Work Commitment










GC has committed to achieving better mental health outcomes and a genuine longer-term positive impact on our colleague’s wellbeing, joining a growing movement of over 1,400 organisations. Developed with the knowledge and expertise of mental health charities, leading employers and trade organisations, the Mental Health at Work Commitment provides a simple framework for employers who recognise the importance of promoting colleague wellbeing.

This framework sets out the following six clear standards based on what best practice has shown is needed to make a difference and create an environment where colleagues can thrive:

  1. Prioritise mental health in the workplace by delivering a systematic programme of activity.
  2. Proactively ensure work design and organisational culture drive positive mental health outcomes.
  3. Promote an open culture around mental health.
  4. Increase organisational confidence and capability.
  5. Provide mental health tools and support.
  6. Increase transparency and accountability through internal and external reporting.

This commitment is a continuation of the activity we've already been carrying out as part of the previous Time to Change Pledge (which has now retired).

We want everyone who works here to feel they can be themselves, be open about their mental health and ask for support if they need it.



Would you like to support our commitment by becoming a Mental Health Champion at GC?

As part of our commitment, we are looking for additional Mental Health Champions from across the different business areas to help us to normalise the conversation around mental health and promote our campaigns and activities in their local teams. Our current champions get involved in a range of activities and it’s a great opportunity to share ideas, resources and best practice.


What is a Mental Health Champion in the workplace?

Champions are essential in challenging stigma and changing the way colleagues think and act about mental health in workplaces. Together, we can create a working environment that's supportive and understanding towards colleagues experiencing mental health illness.

Champions will drive forward change internally and help to embed positive changes within the workplace through tackling mental health stigma and instigating initiatives to improve wellbeing amongst their fellow colleagues.


Why do we need Champions?

  • According to the 2020 Workplace Wellbeing Index, 58% of all respondents had experienced poor mental health whilst working for their current employer.
  • 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health illness of some kind each year in England.
  • 9 out of 10 people who experience mental health illness say they face stigma and discrimination as a result.
  • 60% of people say that stigma and discrimination are as damaging, or more damaging, than the symptoms of their mental health illness or condition.

Who can become a Champion?

We are seeking colleagues who want to join our campaign and run local events and activities to break down stigma and discrimination. If we are going change how people think and act about mental health, we need people who:

  • Are passionate about tackling the stereotypes, stigma and discrimination associated with people who experience mental health illness within the workplace.
  • Have the desire to be involved in promoting mental health related campaigns.
  • Can empower colleagues to share their experiences of mental health in the workplace.

Champions have a leading role in ending stigma and the culture of silence. If you can commit to normalising conversations around mental health this will have an impact on our overall culture and perceptions among your colleagues. Every activity, no matter how big or small, contributes to our collective goal of tackling mental health stigma, such as organising a wellbeing walk or starting a conversation about mental health with your team.


What could you gain from being a champion?

  • The knowledge that you are part of a campaign movement to create positive change.
  • Being part of a professional network of like-minded individuals where you can learn and share knowledge.
  • Increasing your understanding around wellbeing and fighting mental health stigma in the workplace.
  • Developing skills outside of your role and learning from your peers.
  • Increased confidence in public speaking about issues you are passionate about.
  • Helping to end mental health stigma in your workplace.

What support can Champions expect?

  • We hold a monthly 30-minute virtual Mental Health Champion call which is an opportunity to share ideas/feedback and keep you informed of future activities.
  • We have a Teams group which can be used to share useful resources, promote campaigns and ask questions.
  • We offer a range of health and wellbeing related training which all colleagues can access on the P.A.L app.
  • We have additional support and resources which are available to access on the Health and Wellbeing section of Our Working Way: Health and Wellbeing | Our Working Way Staff Hub (


Start your journey: become a Champion in the workplace

Never underestimate the power of a single voice calling for positive change. Add your voice to our collective call to end mental health stigma in the workplace. Become a Champion in the workplace by contacting your Mental Health Champion lead, who will be able to advise you on how to go about starting your journey.