GC's Mentoring Scheme

UPDATE: Friday 6th December

The window to apply to be a mentee in the second cohort of the GC Mentoring Scheme has now closed and we have received over 40 new mentee applications, which is fantastic.

However, reviewing the current applications, we have a shortfall in the number of mentor applications, therefore we have extended the window to apply to be a mentor to Wednesday 18th December.

There are many benefits to becoming a mentor and it's a great development opportunity for all involved. You find out further details about how to apply, the benefits of being a mentor and the training available to support this programme in the content below. Any questions, please get in touch.


What is the GC Mentoring programme?

The GC Internal Mentoring Programme (iMentor) is aimed at supporting career development for all colleagues and will match more experienced colleagues (mentors) with other less experienced colleagues (mentees). Mentoring is essentially about helping people to develop more effectively. It is a relationship designed to build confidence and support the mentee, so they can take control of their own development and work.


Why become a mentee?

You may have a specific skill or competency that you want to develop or build on. A mentor will provide a mentee with advice, coaching or guidance depending on what the mentee is looking to achieve. Typically, a mentor and mentee will establish goals together and meet regularly (suggested monthly for a period of 6 months) to practice or learn new skills throughout the mentoring program.


Whether you're new to your career or looking to advance your skills, there are many benefits to finding a mentor which include:

  • Tailored professional guidance from someone more experienced who can share their personalised stories and help guide you on your career path.
  • A mentor has gained professional experience and practical skills throughout their career, and they can share that knowledge with you including examples of how they have overcome any potential barriers.
  • Increased networking opportunities.
  • A mentor can help motivate and inspire you.
  • By working with a mentor, you can get support with identifying skills gaps and setting short-term practical development objectives aligned to your long-term career goals. 

If you are unsure about whether you want to sign up to be a mentee why not have a think about which three specific skills you’d like to learn from someone more experienced, or what knowledge you could gain from someone else. Are you looking to be challenged? Are you ready to listen to someone who could push you out of your comfort zone? Can a mentor help you reach your professional aspirations? Are you unsure about where you are now professionally or where you want to get to? A mentor can help provide the steer you need.

Here is what some of our previous mentees have said they liked most about the GC Mentoring programme:

  • “My mentor was fantastic. We had a lot in common and they were able to help me work through challenges or problems and to retain balance.”
  • “Being mentored by someone who is acting as a great role model for me and who I aspire to be like later on in my career development. She gives me great tips on how I can be more forward, recognise my achievements and manage my time better."
  • “Meeting a professional with exceptional experience. Very happy to have created the relationship.”

What is a mentor?  

A mentor is someone who has a genuine interest in overseeing and supporting the career and development of another colleague outside the normal supervision process. You do not need to be a people manager to apply to be a mentor. The role of a mentor includes the following key responsibilities:  

  • To encourage and empower personal development. 
  • To help identify and address gaps in skills and knowledge. 
  • To develop and maintain a broader perspective on career options and opportunities. 
  • To help the individual to identify an action plan to achieve their career ambitions. 
  • To provide additional access to a more senior role model. 

What makes a good mentor? 

Good mentors tend to be:  

  • People who have role model behaviours that are aligned to the GC values. 
  • People with up-to-date knowledge and a good performer in their own job. 
  • An active listener and non-judgemental.
  • Able to take a mentee back through an experience, to help them to evaluate it and to recognise what could have been done differently.
  • Interested and willing to support others. 
  • Enthusiastic about their own learning and see the benefits of mentoring. 


Read what some of our mentors have enjoyed about the programme:

  • “I have enjoyed the opportunity to enhance my mentoring skills which only comes from the opportunity to practice them.”
  • “Seeing my mentee grow in confidence and finding ways to deal with challenges implementing some of the strategies we have discussed.”
  • “It’s been great personally to not only meet someone from another part of the business, but it’s also helped me realise that my experience and advise can really help someone achieve their objectives.”

Why become a mentor? 

There are many benefits to becoming a mentor to others including: 

  • Develop your skills including communication and coaching. 
  • Give something back to the GC colleague community. 
  • Raise your profile and increase your professional network. 
  • Undertake continued professional development (CPD) activity. 
  • Learn from other people’s experiences and perspectives. 
  • Demonstrate our values; make a positive difference, empower others, and help build on success.  

Paul Hamlin (Business Advisor in BGH People, Skills and Talent team) explained that:

“Everyone in business who wants to be successful has a passion and enthusiasm for what they do. A mentor should capture that passion and enthusiasm and ensure the mentee considers how to convert this into impactful results for all their stakeholders.”


How to register

Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to create an account and use the key features on the iMentor platform. If you are interested in becoming a mentee and/or mentor, please create an account, click here to register by Friday 29th November 2024.

The registration process allows you to identify any specific professional or subject area that would be of particular interest to you to enable us to match you to the most appropriate mentor.  


Code of conduct

There is an expectation that those involved in the GC Mentoring Programme will abide by a code of conduct. In addition, both mentor and mentee will complete a mentoring agreement during their initial introductory meeting which will help each party clarify and agree on their responsibilities and role, as well as gain commitment from all concerned.


How much time do I need to commit to the mentoring programme?

Although arrangements regarding frequency and method of contact will be determined between both parties during their initial introduction meeting, we suggest meeting for at least one hour per month over a six-month period to allow for meaningful conversations to take place. Contact may be face-to-face, via telephone, virtual Teams, email or whatever means works best for both.

Those who join the mentoring programme also agree to provide feedback on what they have found beneficial, this may be in the form of focus groups or surveys. 

What are the key timescales for the second cohort of the GC Mentoring Programme?




1st -29th November 2024

Launch the second cohort of the GC Mentoring Programme to all colleagues and open the application window.

1st December-31 December 2024

Matching process to be carried out.

25th January 2025 

Introductory face to face sessions and virtual bitesize training sessions to be held in Lee House.

1st February-31st July 2025

Mentors and mentees to carry out regular meetings (we suggest meeting monthly but this is to be agreed during the introductory meetings).











What additional support can I expect from the programme?

Once we have matched our mentees and mentors, we will organise a face-to-face session to take place in January. We will also be running a number of bitesize training sessions to increase your understanding of the role and to manage expectations which you can register by clicking on the links below:

Additional training available includes:

In the meantime, if you’d like to find out more or have any questions, please contact the Learning and Development team