Dignity at work

Whilst ‘Do the Right Thing’ is one of our values, all organisations face the risk of things going wrong from time-to-time and it’s important that there are processes in place for us to be made aware of any concerns – so that these can be investigated and appropriate action taken.

Here at GC we’re committed to conducting business fairly, honestly and with transparency and in compliance with all legal and regulatory obligations.

We believe that all colleagues should be treated with consideration, dignity and respect. That's why our ‘Dignity at Work’ and ‘Whistleblowing’ policies promote respectful treatment of colleagues and demonstrates how to do the right thing. 

We encourage and empower colleagues to speak up and report suspected wrongdoing as soon as possible – knowing with confidence that their concerns will be taken seriously and investigated as appropriate, and that their confidentiality will be respected. It’s important they’re able to raise genuine concerns without fear of reprisals, even if they turn out to be mistaken.

Whilst colleagues may raise a concern about certain types of wrongdoing, this will usually be something they have seen at work, though not always – it can relate to our clients, suppliers and learners. We have separate processes for colleagues to report their concerns – depending on which area the concern sits.

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