Your performance review and December pay date

  • 01/12/2020
  • Vicky Barton

Good afternoon,

This year has been far from usual and you’ll recall we put the formal performance review and development (PRD) process on hold in April. This will continue to be the case for the remainder of the current financial year (until the end of March 2021) except for Education and Skills colleagues who have just opened their PRD window.

Whilst we haven’t had the two-formal meetings to review and discuss performance this year, you should still have been provided with a number of clear objectives to work towards the end of the 20-21 performance review period.

I want to emphasise, how important it is for regular one-to-one keep in touch (KITS) meetings with your manager, feedback and ongoing conversations to take place. This is even more critical when working from home.

What are the benefits of having regular KITs?

  • Opportunity to discuss how you are feeling and your general wellbeing.
  • It helps you understand your contribution to the team and business strategy.
  • It provides an opportunity for recognition and constructive feedback.
  • It helps you to adjust if you aren’t on track and explore options for additional support.
  • You are given a voice and forum in which you can talk about any issues affecting you.
  • It strengthens your relationship with your manager.
  • Opportunity to discuss any development needs to support you in your current role or future career aspirations.

These regular one-to-ones make sure you have the opportunity to review your performance and development with your manager on an ongoing basis. The absence of a formal performance management process should not have any negative impact on your future performance or career aspirations and this way you still have flexibility with reviewing and amending your objectives throughout the financial year. However, if you have any concerns about not having a formal PRD in place, please speak to your manager in the first instance or contact the HR Service Desk.

In the meantime, we are working to find a performance system that is suitable for agile working and will update you on this in the new year.

December pay date and office closure

While I’m here, due to the closure of the business during December, the payroll dates are brought forward for employees who are usually paid on the last working day of the month. This year the December pay date is Monday 21 December. If you are paid on the 15th of the month, your pay date will remain the same.

I hope you had a nice weekend and to reiterate Mark’s message last week, if you are struggling with your current working environment and it is having an impact on your health and wellbeing, please not only use the services available to you but also contact the HR Service Desk to see if we can make provision for you to come into an office.