Wellbeing Wednesday - money worries

  • 20/01/2021
  • Vicky Barton

I hope you are well. Today is the first Wednesday where we have suggested having a GC-wide protected timeslot from 1-3 pm and no internal meetings should be held across GC. This was something that has been introduced on the back of a staff suggestion on how we can support you through lockdown, if you have another suggestion you think would be worthwhile for the Group, please let us know.

We would love to know what you are doing with this protected time, whether it’s a team walking challenge, a virtual coffee catch up, a game of bingo or a chance to break off for homeschooling, we can share with the rest of the Group to give them inspiration or open it up to all.

If you haven’t already, I would suggest blocking this time out in your calendar as wellbeing time to discourage others from putting in a meeting at this time.

I would also like to remind you about the lockdown device loan scheme for parents/carers who may need an extra device due to homeschooling. If you are in this situation, please email homelaptop@growthco.uk with your needs and we will try to support this. Also if you do happen to have an additional company-owned device that you are not using, for whatever reason, please contact the IT team to return it.

How to manage money worries

Naturally, after Christmas and the pay date for most of the Group meaning we need to stretch the December pay a little further than usual, January is normally a time where most of us are watching our pennies. Although some people have managed to save money during the pandemic due to not socialising as they normally would or not being able to go on holiday, a lot of people’s finances have been impacted which can lead to money concerns that have an effect on our health and wellbeing.

So today I wanted to share some resources you may find useful if you do have financial worries and things you can do to help protect your health and wellbeing:

Our Employee Assistance Programme – delivered by Health Assured, is available 24/7 to give free, confidential advice on a range of issues to you and your immediate family including financial advice and support. You can contact the helpline by telephone on 0800 030 5182. They also have lots of information and guidance on their health portal including financial wellbeing during a crisis and Covid-19: managing mortgage/rental payments. You can access the portal using these details: Username – Growth, Password – Company.

NHS – here is some advice from the NHS on how to cope with money worries.

Citizen’s advice – have a range of resources that you might find useful for example their budgeting tool and lots of information on how to manage bills, debt and money on their website.

Mind – read these practical tips on managing your money and improving your mental health.

Mental health support – if you are struggling with financial stress and think this is impacting your mental health please speak to one of our Mental Health First Aiders for further advice. Similarly, our Mental Health Champions are available to listen and discuss any ideas on how we can support colleagues who are struggling with their mental health due to money worries and encourage more open conversation.

GC Hive – just a reminder that the GC Hive offers a range of discounts from multiple retailers which may help when trying to save money or budget.

If you are struggling please use the services and resources above but if that feels too much, just speaking to somebody, anybody - a colleague, friend or family member - will help.

On a final note, just an ask from me to reach out to your colleagues, ask twice (are you okay? no, really are you okay?) and try to understand and be there for each other. Lockdown will impact us all differently but having someone there to listen goes a long way.