We're helping people in prison manage their finances

  • 07/03/2024
  • GC Employment Team

GC Employment's Finance, Benefit, and Debt service (FBD) aims to help people in prison manage their finances.

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) programme was commissioned by HM Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) and is delivered across eight prisons in Yorkshire and the Humber: HMP Doncaster; HMP Hatfield; HMP Lindholme; HMP Moorland; HMP Hull; HMP Humber; HMP Leeds; and HMP Wealstun.

The team provides people in prison with information, advice, and guidance on benefits, budgeting, debt, banking, and access to post-sentence financial support. They do so through one-to-one coaching and the development of personalised action plans, with a view to improving participants’ financial literacy and stability – and, ultimately, reducing reoffending rates.

Find out how it helped James and Michael at HMP Hatfield.

You can read more about the service here.