Upcoming Inspiring Inclusion webinar from Hargreaves Lansdown

  • 21/03/2024
  • GC Payroll team

Switch Your Money ON

In honour of International Women’s Day held on 8th March the Financially Fearless ambassadors at Hargreaves Lansdown (HL) are taking over the monthly webinar.

We’re on a mission to tackle money inequality and help every woman become more financially resilient.

The live webinar will cover ways to #inspireinclusion and become more #financiallyfearless


The information in this article and upcoming webinar is not personal advice. If you’re not sure if a course of action is right for you, please ask about financial advice.


Some of the women behind #FinanciallyFearless will be discussing how to build female financial resilience, both important for the freedom of women, as well as the security of their loved ones.

Clare and Laura will also be sharing insights on empowering women’s investing journey. The session will look at:

  • Why money is a feminist issue
  • Building an emergency fund
  • Powering up your pension
  • The importance of promoting inclusion in investing

Catch up with previous webinars on demand. Find our previous sessions on the ‘Switch Your Money On’ playlist.

Interactive guides

Helping women invest with confidence is one way that HL are helping to close the financial gender gaps. Investments can go down as well as up in value so you could get back less than you put in.

Explore and pass on HL’s interactive guides below.