Training opportunities to help us make an impact for National Inclusion Week

  • 05/09/2024
  • Colleague Communications

The theme for National Inclusion Week 2024 (23rd - 29th September), is ‘Impact Matters’, and centres around understanding, identifying, and measuring impact on marginalised groups and taking action that will create genuine, and sustainable change that matters. 

GC provide a number of inclusion training opportunities which help you, to help us, make an impact and become a more inclusive workplace.

The training includes face-to-face sessions, virtual sessions as well as online resources and videos.

Here's more information of what's available and bookable through PAL:


Allyship Training

Most Recent Session: 16th September, 1.30pm-4.30pm
Next Session: 11th December, 2pm-4.30pm

Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve felt uncomfortable about something you’ve seen or heard but been unsure of what to do or say? Then this course is for you. Allyship Training is an interactive session for those who wish to have a greater understanding of Allyship.

During the session you will learn about:

  • The concept of Equity, Equality and Privilege
  • What Allyship is and why it matters
  • How to use your privilege to be an Ally
  • The role Allies play
  • How to challenge non-inclusive behaviour when you see or hear it

This training is a 2.5 hour interactive online session where you are expected to be fully present to participate. This means cameras on and mics engaged at all times, to promote collaboration and discussion.

Allyship training also makes an excellent follow-on from the 'Understanding Your Biases' (UYB) training (see below), though it’s not a prerequisite to have attended UYB prior to booking this session.

Find out more and book on to the training here


Understanding Your Biases Training

Most Recent Session: 12th September, 9.30am – 12:30pm
Next Session: 9th October, 9.30am – 12:30pm

Explore the associations we hold outside our conscious awareness and control. This workshop explores the ideas of ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ thinking, the nature and types of bias, and how to begin to deal with our biases.

It also looks at how you can overcome your bias to improve decision making and professional relationships, to create a more open, inclusive and effective organisation.

We encourage participation in this workshop from people managers but welcome all colleagues. This course would be particularly beneficial for those involved in recruitment and selection, supporting learners and chairing meetings, panels and committees

During the session you will learn about:

  • What are our biases?
  • The adverse impact our biases have on individuals and organisations
  • Challenging personal bias and minimising its impact on decision-making
  • Exploring bias in the workplace   
  • Techniques for better decision-making   
  • Strategies for creating a more inclusive working environment   

Find out more and book on to the training here


Disability Inclusion Workshop for People Managers

Most Recent Session: 12th September
Next Session: Dates pending

As part of our ongoing commitment to being a Disability Confident Leader and to promote inclusive practices, we have developed Disability Inclusion Workshops for our people managers.

During the session you will learn about:

  • How to use the Social Model of Disability – the barrier removal approach as a route-map to inclusion at work
  • Finding solutions to common employment barriers disabled people face - how you can make a difference in your team
  • Creating a culture of openness where disabled colleagues feel comfortable to discuss disabling barriers, reasonable adjustments and other aspects of their identity
  • Having strong, open and enabling conversations, particularly around reasonable adjustments
  • Sources of support
  • Individual Action Planning to remove any barriers you have identified

If you require any reasonable adjustments to make the session more accessible, then please get in contact with the Learning and Development team.

Find out more and book on to the training here


Neurodiversity video series playlist

Neurodiversity describes the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; there is no one "right" way of thinking, learning, and behaving, and differences are not viewed as deficits.

This is a series of short videos on understanding Neurodiversity in the workplace.

View the content now