Switch Your Money ON

  • 16/11/2023
  • Payroll Team, HR

In honour of Talk Money Week, our pension provider, Hargreaves Lansdown, are hosting a live webinar on Wednesday 29th November and encourage you to pose your burning money questions to the experts.

The information in this message and upcoming webinar is not personal advice. If you’re not sure if a course of action is right for you, please ask about financial advice.


Talk Money Week Panel
Wednesday 29th November - 2pm to 3pm


Talking money and sharing our money experiences with others can help form better financial habits.

For Talk Money Week, HL’s panel of experts will be sharing tips and guidance for feeling more in control of your money.

The panel will share what they’ve learned both personally and professionally. You’ll also have the chance to pose your questions.



Profits and Principles

The term ‘responsible' means different things to different people. In October’s webinar HL’s experts covered the key areas of responsible investing to help determine what it means to the industry and what it could mean to you as an investor.

This recording is not personal advice. If you’re unsure, please ask us about financial advice.

Catch up with previous webinars on demand. Find our previous sessions on the ‘Switch Your Money On’ playlist.