Must read: Covid-19 update webinar for all Growth Company colleagues

  • 17/06/2020
  • Mark Hughes

The reopening of non-essential retail outlets this week marked a new phase in the Government’s plans to ease lockdown and work towards economic recovery. At the same time, some of our own offices and facilities have now started to reopen.

This is an important time for the Growth Company, and I will be holding another Covid-19 all staff webinar to provide you with an update on our position. This will include information regarding this year’s revenue and the approach we are taking to manage the business where there are changes to our annual income.

The webinar is mandatory for all staff and will take place at 3pm on Tuesday, June 23 via Livestorm. (See joining instructions below).

Please also ensure that details are shared with colleagues who are currently furloughed and might not be checking work emails regularly.

In addition to this webinar for all group colleagues, there will be further communications taking place within individual business units, where information more specific to you will be provided and you will have the opportunity to ask questions. Details will be provided by your business unit or line manager this week.

How to join the webinar

You first must register for the webinar using this link, you first enter your email address and then your full name and agree to Livestorm’s terms and conditions to confirm the registration.

Once registered you will receive an email confirmation and a link to the webinar. You will also receive reminders on the day of the webinar. Please click the link a few minutes before the start time and watch live.

If you experience any technical difficulties when watching the webinar we would firstly recommend refreshing the page or re-joining using the same link.