At GC, we want to promote a safe working environment where dignity at work is central to our behaviours and values.
We launched the Dignity at Work campaign in March 2022 and it will continue to run during 2025.
We'd like to engage with different people from across the business to measure the effectiveness of the campaign as well as to listen to any further suggestions on how to make the campaign most effective and better understand any potential barriers.
We're holding a virtual Focus Group on Tuesday 25th February (10-11 am), and we'd love as many colleagues as possible to join us. During the session we'll encourage you to be open and honest.
If you'd like to attend the focus group - please contact
Want to find out a bit more about our Dignity at work campaign?
Here's a summary of what the campaign has achieved over the past few years:
- Organised focus groups to find out more about what our people think about the support and policies available at GC.
- Launch of the Introduction to EDI e-learning module which is mandatory for all colleagues to increase general awareness and understanding (the updated version is due to be launched soon).
- Organised virtual sessions to remind colleagues of the support available and share examples of how to challenge unacceptable behaviour
- Revision of several key policies; the Bullying and Harassment policy was repositioned to the Dignity at Work Policy and amended to include further examples of unacceptable behaviour and highlight behaviours that may be more subtle. We also created a separate procedure to clarify the process of reporting: Our Dignity at Work process | Our Working Way Staff Hub
- We have launched a supporting Dignity at Work Charter to promote and reinforce what exemplar behaviour looks like aligned to the Dignity at Work policy.
- We created a dedicated Dignity at Work page, Dignity at work | Our Working Way Staff Hub, to make it easier to access the relevant information, policies, and tools and clarify what Dignity at Work means to GC.
- Discrimination reporting: A discrimination reporting tracker has been developed to record cases of discrimination and then provide a report to SMT on a quarterly basis. We are reporting cases raised via HR processes, whistleblowing, customer complaints, safeguarding, and supplier complaints and will identify any key trends as well as recommendations to consider in the future How we track incidents | Our Working Way Staff Hub
- The introduction of a complaint process map which differentiates and clarifies the relevant policies applicable for employees, learners or clients.
- The introduction of the Customer Experience Framework Customer Experience Framework | The Growth Company
- Colleagues helped us refresh the campaign’s legacy strapline, 'Speak up without fear' – to demonstrate the progress we’ve made embedding Dignity at Work at GC and reinforcing that we all have a role in promoting a safe workplace. Our new strapline is 'Belonging at GC: a safe and inclusive place to thrive'.
- We launched six newly created Dignity at Work Toolkits Dignity at Work support tools | Our Working Way Staff Hub - to showcase the core traits that we can all demonstrate to help GC become a more inclusive and diverse workplace. This incorporates the Dignity at Work Challenge team exercise.
- We have launched a range of training workshops and online content to continue to increase understanding and confidence including Cultural Confidence, Allyship, Understanding Your Biases and Disability Inclusion.