In December 2023, we shared with a colleagues a list of the mandatory training that we will need you to complete in the new year.
The table below shows when each piece of training is due to go live, and how often it will need to be re-taken. Training modules that state ‘once every 5 years’ could be required to be taken more often if there is a change in legislation.
- All colleagues must complete the training within 30 days of allocation.
- Email prompts from PAL will be sent directly to you once the training is assigned.
- Any issues with completing the training on time should be discussed and agreed with your line manager.
- Completion of all modules will be tracked and added to your training record so that you can keep a track of where you are up to.
This is not an exhaustive list and we’ll continue to review training regularly as the needs of the business change.
Please note that this is Group-wide mandated learning and is not Business Unit specific, so you must complete it.
Please check your action items in PAL to see what training is outstanding.