As you know, one of our core values is Doing the Right Thing so to make sure that we spend GC money responsibly and with integrity, we have a Procurement Policy, Procurement Procedure and Tendering Procedure we must follow.
This policy and procedures apply to anyone across the Group who are involved in buying and approving the purchase of goods and services. We want to:
- Work together to achieve value-for-money, optimising the ratio of cost and quality to select the most economically advantageous tender.
- Be fair, equitable and transparent to suppliers of goods and services and subcontractors.
- Be stronger together, by consolidating our buying power and standardising our requirements through contracted suppliers and category management.
- Support, influence and secure social value from our supply chain. Ensure procurement undertaken is ethical and responsible, GC has a zero-tolerance stance on the exploitation of labour and seeks to minimise our impact on the environment.
- Manage risk in our supply chain and ensure proportionate due diligence in the contracting process.
How do I know what procurement procedure to follow?
The procedure you need to follow depends on how much the goods or services cost:
(Further guidance can be found in the Procurement and Tendering Procedures).
Thank you for following this policy to helping us buy goods and services in the right way, making sure we do not contribute to modern slavery, support social value and to reduce our impacts on the environment. For further information, please contact Kelly Edwards.
Paul Simpson,
Chief Financial Officer