Our GC Education and Skills team recently hosted the first of three Greater Manchester SkillCentre parent's evenings for the 2024/2025 Study Programme intake.
The team received fantastic feedback from the parents about how far the learners have come and the relationships they have forged with others in such a short space of time.
In a LinkedIn post, Damian Ward, Head of Operations, said: "Working in education is hard and takes a lot from you both mentally and physically but it is nights like this that make every second of it worthwhile. The praise and admiration on display from parents towards tutors and the pastoral team was exceptional."
Positive feedback included:
"I cannot tell you how much confidence X has gained coming here"
"The only thing I want to say is thank you"
"You proactively sort any issues"
"I can’t think of anything you could improve"
"X talks about his future now often referring to his course and tutors"
"X has received an excellent level of support from everyone"
"The support is fantastic and so personal to individuals"
100% would recommend the Growth Company: Education & Skills.
100% said we respond well to any concerns raised.
100% said that they feel the support they are given is good and helps them progress.
100% said they feel the young person is safe when at the centre.
100% said they thought issues and barriers were overcome quickly and proactively for the benefit of the young person.
100% spoke positively about their course and their tutors.
Well done to the team for their hard work and commitment to providing an environment that supports their learners to thrive!