Changes to Unit4 - Requisitions and Purchase Orders

  • 06/02/2025
  • Colleague Communications

As part of our ongoing work to develop our Unit4 services, we are making changes to the way we create and manage Purchase Orders.

The following changes will go live from Monday 24 February:

  • Amended purchase order document format to include new fields from requisition screen such as delivery address, delivery for attention of field, GC contact name and additional product text to ensure purchase order document is accurate and complete for suppliers.
  • Removal of VAT field from purchase orders to eliminate need to operational users to calculate VAT of purchases.
  • Functionality to send purchase orders directly to suppliers as needed – users will need to ensure the appropriate email address for the supplier is updated on the supplier’s record in Unit 4.
  • Improved delivery date functionality to reduce premature closure of purchase orders incorrectly entered by operational users.
  • Capturing procurement method followed as part of requisition details to enable procurement method reporting.
  • Improved functionality for amount field meaning users will only need to input the net amount, as opposed to the breakdown of number of units and unit price, for any requisition not relating to goods/products.
  • Follow up tasks to requisition raisers to correct any missed or incorrectly completed fields – these require actioning before the approver will receive the task to approve the requisition.
  • Additional workflow step for any requisitions over £25,000 to be approved by Procurement or Finance.

These changes are being made to make the process more efficient which will reduce the number of issues reported and delays to critical payments being made.

To ensure that everyone is fully informed on the new changes, we have launched an end-to-end training module to guide colleagues through all the key differences and ensure you’re prepared to follow the new process.

Please make sure you complete the Requisitions and Purchase Orders training module on PAL before the changes come into effect on 24 February.

Further guidance is also available on SharePoint, including guidance notes and training videos.

If you have any questions, please contact