BGH Programmes & Initiatives team hold their Away Day on a Greater Manchester Waterway

  • 03/10/2024
  • Colleague Communications

Team Development Away Days are vitally important to allow colleagues to get to know each other away from their normal office/remote working day.

They also allow communication skills and confidence to grow through planned activities, whilst enjoying spending time together.

Last month, our GM Business Growth Hub Programmes & Initiatives team took to a Greater Manchester waterway, boarding in Marple Stockport on the Macclesfield and Peak Forest canal on a narrow boat to do just that.

They featured a nautical theme for the day and had on board Pirates, Sailors and a Mermaid! They also supported a local charitable organisation, New Horizons Charity, run by volunteers, who also help to keep the region's waterways and green areas clean. 


Reflecting on the day, Tracy Davis, Contracts and Project Management Lead, told us:

"The Programmes and Initiatives team have undergone significant challenges in the last 18 months, including redeploying or recruiting over 50% of the team, whilst mobilising new contracts with new funding streams.

"The away day was an excellent opportunity for the team to relax and build on existing or develop new relationships without the hustle and bustle of the daily work. The team definitely came away feeling more positive and rejuvenated."

Sarit Rich, Contracts officer, explained what she got out of the experience:

"I thoroughly enjoyed our team-building activity. I believe that days like this are essential for the team’s well-being and for strengthening relationships. They provide an opportunity to step away from our daily tasks and connect on a more personal level, which I find particularly beneficial given our hybrid work model. It was a fantastic opportunity for me to spend quality time with both my team members and our managers."