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Our journey to agile working started with the introduction of Work Your Way which gave you more flexibility around where you work, the way you work and when you work, subject to business needs.

The benefits we’ve experienced from a more flexible way of working helped us to prepare for the unexpected Covid-19 pandemic and closure of our offices. The way we have been able to adapt to this has acierated our move to shifting to more remote working and using our office space in different more efficient ways.

This is where you’ll find everything you need to know about our approach to our future ways of working – Our Working Way.

We recently asked you to complete a survey, run by WorkBuzz, which gave you the chance to share honest feedback, helping to shape the design of the way we work going forward, the practical issues around better use of our office space, and how we will continue to respond to the needs of customers going forward. This survey was like no other we have run before and we will be doing a deep analysis of the feedback including focus groups to understand them and incorporate them into Our Working Way planning.

What's next?

You can keep up-to-date with how we’re implementing Our Working Way on this hub, as well checking the latest news.